Small Claims Court

Clear simple advice to deal with money claim online small claims.

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The Small Claims Court Process

You will receive a small claims form from money claim online if you have not dealt with a parking ticket issued within the last 6 years. Parking companies often transfer the case to companies who have powers to take cases to court. Anyone however can make a claim at the small claims court, but the problem for motorists is that the claim amount goes from £100 to over £200 in most cases for each ticket. 

Each parking ticket has to go through the following process before a claim is logged.

How to Defend a County Court Small Claim

Getting Your defence

Getting a good defence is the most important step in defending a small claims. At this stage, you want to have a defence which will convince the court to refuse the claim. If you have never been to court, we recommend using the recommended service to defend your claim. 

Benefits of using the service

If you have never been to court, our court claim guide is included for free with your defence. It’s a no brainer for only £19.99!


private parking debt court claims

You have two options at this stage, aknowlegde the claim and inform the court if you intend to defend or setup an arrange to make payment for the outstanding charges. You must reply within 14 days and lodge your defence within 30 days. 

Yes, you can get help from online forums like MSE where you can write your defence. However the onus is on you to prepare the documents and send them in time. You may also be required to attend a hearing if you request a hearing.

if you use our service to handle the court claim, we will complete the whole process from start to finish. This means acknowleding the claim and preparing your defence in time. We will also engage with the parking operator or solicitor to ensure the process is done properly.

A court claim can take up to 6 months to conclude. Parking companies lodge thousands of claims per week and the courts have limited capacity, so it can be 3-4 months until a judget sees the claim. If you manage your claim, you will be informed of key updates and dates.